Podcast Episode 4 - Privilege, Entitlement, and Responsibility


77 NFL games played. 142 total touchdowns and over 20,000 passing yards. Those are just some of the stats for NFL quarterback, Kirk Cousins, but he’ll be the first to tell you—those aren’t his top priority. In fact, when it comes to his life both on and off the field, his faith is what matters most.

Kirk opened up to us about a wide variety of topics, including his football career, his life off the field, and the importance of generosity to him and his family. If you’re an athlete driven by your faith, or want to be driven by your faith, Kirk Cousins is the type of role model worth following.

As always, thanks for listening.

Useful Links:

Kirk Cousins Used to Playing Long Odds

The Freshmen by Kirk Cousins

Game Changer

Kirk Cousins Testimony


The Aloha Spirit


It Has Been a Privilege